On Tuesday, June 13, 2018 RR&D sponsored a Legendary Learning Event with the Society of Emotional Intelligence, entitled: "Get Out of Your Own Way!" Situated in a lovely event space with floor-to-ceiling windows looking out onto the impressive foliage at the Adam W. Herbert University Center, guests sat comfortably at round tables with purple-dusted daisy centerpieces, and individual programs. The academic, yet friendly environment was enhanced by the delicious meal each guest enjoyed.
After introductions were made, guest speaker and Motivational Specialist Jae Inglish, M.A., Ph.D. provided enlightening information on reasons why we procrastinate (and how we can stop), the difference between confrontation and condemnation, expediency versus efficiency, punishment versus discipline, and positive versus negative motivation. Her psychological insights tied in elegantly with Emotional Intelligence, providing deeper informational connections for many in attendance.
Following her insights on the short-term positive payoffs many receive from procrastination, Dr. Inglish addressed how to execute true efficiency—intriguingly speed has little to do with it. Rather, a person needs to know his or her skills and be given liberty to use these in a fear-free environment. Trying to create a work setting free from negative, punitive, fear-inducing motivators takes into account what she called the "24-hour a day person...there is no such thing as an 8-hour a day person." Each of us comes into the work sphere with our individual combination of childhood fears, and these cannot be ignored if true productivity is the aim.
Some techniques she suggested were using neurolinguistic words, confronting behavior without condemning the person, and leaving punishment to allow for the training made possible through discipline (i.e., built-in/natural consequences).
We were proud to be a part of this truly stimulating event and thank Dr. Inglish, and the Society of Emotional Intelligence for all their efforts!
Photo Courtesy of Kevin Menendez